About Dr Gerald Dalbock.

Dr Dalbock has extensive Emergency Medicine, pre-hospital and educational experience and is registered with the HPCSA as an Emergency Medicine Specialist.  He consults for numerous government and Private hospital groups and organizations.


He was previously Principal of the Transvaal Ambulance Training College and Principal of the Western Cape Ambulance Training College.  Holding Aviation Medical Examiner and Diving and Submarine Medicine certification, he is also one of the founding members of the College of Emergency Medicine in South Africa.


Cardiocare is an accredited centre in the Western Cape that runs all AHA courses.  These courses are either offered at the Cardiocare training facility or on the premises of the client.  The courses are either 1 or 2 day duration (depending on course) and involve the issuing of textbooks well before the course to allow for self study of material prior to attending the practical component of the course.


All courses involve video based instruction, interactive discussion with practical instruction, hands on skills sessions and case based scenario simulation training.  The courses make use of actual resuscitation equipment, simulation training devices, skills practice mannequins and interactive simulation training mannequins.